Ketogenic Diet Shows Promising Results for All Dementia Stages

A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet that produces ketones.

ketogenic diet

A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet.

Studies show a ketogenic diet can slow and even reverse symptoms of memory loss and cognitive impairment throughout all the dementia stages. You might be asking, “What is a ketogenic diet?”

A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet that produces ketones—compounds the body can use to produce energy. Ketones have been shown in studies to be neuroprotective, meaning they “defend” your brain from degenerating. In short, a ketogenic diet is a great way to reverse dementia naturally. (For more on kept diet specifics, see Jami Cooley’s report by clicking here.)

Dementia Prevention with a Ketogenic Diet

What does a ketogenic diet show promise? Research clearly establishes a strong link between blood sugar disorders and the various dementia stages, including memory loss, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer’s. The most predominate blood sugar disorders are insulin resistance and diabetes. In fact, the link is so obvious some researchers have labeled Alzheimer’s disease as “type 3 diabetes.”

For the majority of Americans, the blood sugar handling system functions poorly thanks to diets heavy on breads, pastas, pastries, cereals, grains, potatoes, sweet coffee drinks, sodas and energy drinks, and desserts of all kinds.

The human body simply wasn’t designed to eat sweets and starchy foods in the quantities most people consume today, and the consequences are obvious in the form of overweight and obesity. However, underlying the accumulation of excess body fat is something far more insidious: the swift degeneration and abnormal function of the brain, which leads to the dementia stages of memory loss, MCI, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Because glucose and insulin mechanisms in the brain are so impaired by the time one enters into the dementia stages, a ketogenic diet may be a great natural cure for Alzheimer’s as it can slow or even reverse symptoms. This is because the brain is now burning ketones for energy instead of glucose, which can help restore function.

The Ketogenic Diet as a Dementia Diet

In adopting a ketogenic diet (you might call it a dementia diet), take these steps.

  • Eliminate all sweeteners (including natural ones), starchy carbohydrates, and grains from your diet.
  • Limit the amount of fruit you eat, and stick to mostly berries, as they are lower in sugar and higher in antioxidants than other fruits.
  • Consume only enough dietary protein to meet your daily needs from high-quality, nutrient-dense sources. These include grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and pastured eggs. Dairy proteins cause inflammation in many people and may not be appropriate for brain health.
  • Eat ample amounts of nutrient-dense, non-starchy vegetables with your meals.
  • Eat enough dietary fats to prevent hunger and sustain energy. Contrary to popular belief, animal fats are healthy for the brain. These include the fats found naturally in organic, grass-fed meats, wild fish, and pastured eggs. Strictly avoid hydrogenated fats, and also avoid vegetable oils that are high in omega 6 fatty acids and known to exacerbate insulin resistance—corn, sunflower, safflower, soy, and canola. Instead use olive oil, medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, butter or ghee (ghee is butter that has milk solids removed), and heavy cream. Butter and cream may not be appropriate if you are intolerant of dairy, but ghee should be okay.

MCT oil is a great addition to a ketogenic diet used for dementia stages because the liver converts it directly to ketone bodies. MCT oil can also help ease the transition from a diet based largely on grains, sugars, and other high-carbohydrate foods to a lower-carb diet that produces ketones. (See also our post MCT Oil Benefits: How Medium-Chain Triglycerides Can Bolster Our Health.)

Share Your Experience

Do you have any experience with a ketogenic diet for Alzheimer’s? Share your keto diet results in the Comments section below.

For related reading, visit these posts:

This article was originally published in 2012 and is regularly updated.

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