Natural Remedies for Osteoporosis: News Bulletin for August 19, 2013

Natural Health News BulletinOur editors comb the news wires daily for the latest developments in the field of natural medicine, saving you the time of having to do that yourself. Just a quick scan of our News Bulletin post will bring you up to date regarding the latest news events on the health topic being discussed. Today’s topic is natural remedies for osteoporosis.

Exercise Only 2 Days per Week to Relieve Osteoporosis and Arthritis

Do you have osteoporosis or arthritis and you’ve been told you need to exercise for your bone health, but you’re worried about injuring your fragile bones while working out? If so, you’re not alone. Having low bone density makes you more susceptible to fractures. Therefore, when it comes to exercise, safety must be the first priority. 

Fortunately, research conducted over the last 10 years provides insight on the safest types of exercise for people with bone disease. To prevent and eliminate pain for both osteoporosis and arthritis, you need a combination of low impact aerobic and resistance training. And, you don’t have to work out 7 days a week to get the benefits! On August 15, 2013, detailed a great two-day per week exercise program for patients with osteoporosis or arthritis:

The first and easiest thing to get started is establishing a simple, great aerobic or cardiovascular workout that allows blood to flow throughout the body for a warm-up. The next important factor is taking part in a resistance training program which can be very easy and will only consist of large muscle groups of the body. (The intensity will differ from person to person.) This type of exercise program has proven to help those with osteoporosis and arthritis, and those that have followed this protocol are seeing great benefits with lifestyle improvements and longevity in health.

To learn more about these osteoporosis exercises, browse our articles:

Vitamin D Deficiency & Your Health

Dr. Steven Masley, best-selling author and owner of Masley Optimal Health Center recently spoke at a sports medicine conference about the top 10 nutrient deficiencies that affect performance and aging in athletes. Among the deficiencies, vitamin D or the “sunshine vitamin” was discussed the most. Dr. Masley said, “Research has connected vitamin D deficiency with everything from cancer and heart disease to bone and muscle health… It’s critically important to have your vitamin D levels tested to see if you’re lacking in the nutrient and to take a good vitamin D3 supplement.”

To find out about the signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, how to get your vitamin D levels tested, and the best vitamin D supplements, read our article, 10 Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms That You Can Identify Yourself.

Is Your Medicine Ruining Your Smile?

An article published August 12, 2013 in London’s Daily Mail Online reveals the top medicines that can adversely affect your oral health. And, osteoporosis drugs are included as the chief culprits:

  • Oral bisphosphonates (drugs commonly prescribed for osteoporosis) – may cause bone damage and infection of the jaw. Symptoms include pain, swelling and loose teeth.
  • Contraceptives (birth control) pills – may cause bleeding and inflammation of the gums (gum disease).
  • Antibiotics – may cause brown spots/discoloring of teeth, oral thrush (candida infection) or sores and blisters in the mouth.
  • Asthma inhalers – may cause cavities.
  • Calcium channel blockers (for high blood pressure) – may cause the gums to overgrow, which leads to gingivitis.
  • SSRI Antidepressants – may cause dry mouth and bleeding.
  • Antihistamines – may cause dry mouth, which leads to gum disease.

If you take any of these medications and notice these side effects, be sure to tell your doctor or consider talking with an integrative physician.

What is an Integrative Physician?

An integrative physician uses allopathic/conventional medicine combined with holistic/alternative medicine to treat their patients. This type of doctor will walk you through your health concerns and discuss the variety of natural therapies that are best suited for you. If you have low bone density or another chronic illness, there may be an effective natural treatment available. (Now, that will give you a lovely smile!) To find a physician in your area, browse our online directory.

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