Why Are Beets Good For You? These Sweet Root Vegetables Offer a Host of Benefits
They’re gorgeous and delicious, but why are beets good for you? They’re rich in fiber, high in natural nitrates and antioxidants, and they might even moderate blood sugar, making beets good for diabetics.
If you aren’t already eating beets regularly, you should start. Beets are well-known for their numerous health benefits in a number of areas. Why are beets good for you? Beets are known especially for their potential ability to fight high blood pressure and improve endurance. But research suggests that beets may also help improve insulin responses and help lower blood sugar.
Glycemic Index vs. Glycemic Load
If you’ve ever had beets, you know that they’re characteristically sweet. And yes, this means that beets do have a moderately high glycemic index, so they theoretically should produce a larger rise in glucose compared to many other foods. The glycemic load, however, takes into account the total amount of carbohydrates in a serving.
While the glycemic index of beets is high, the colorful vegetable doesn’t actually contain a high amount of carbohydrates per serving, making the glycemic load lower. This means that you would have to eat a lot of beets—more than you probably ever would in one sitting—to cause a significant rise in blood glucose levels.
Here, we review four other benefits that address the question, “Why are beets good for you?”
Beets Are High in Fiber

A worthy tip from www.HealthySD.gov: “Did you know that you can eat the whole beet plant? Beet tops (leaves) are cooked or served fresh as greens and are an excellent source of vitamin A. The roots may be pickled for salads, cooked or eaten raw.” (Photo: © Daniboynton | Dreamstime.com)
Beets are rich in fiber, which helps to fight high blood sugar. Increased dietary fiber intake is associated with better blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Fiber slows down digestion and thus helps prevent the quick rise in glucose that can be dangerous.
Beets Offer Multiple Antioxidants
Beets contain a host of antioxidant compounds, including many phenolic acids, flavanoids, and betalains. Antioxidants like these, studies suggest, can help modify blood sugar levels after meals. In fact, researchers have found that a predominant component of beets is the yellow/orange pigment called neobetanin, which is believed to play an important role in insulin and blood glucose function.
Beets Increase Nitric Levels
While synthetic nitrates found in preserved foods can cause significant adverse health effects when consumed in large quantities, beets contain natural nitrates that are beneficial to your health. These nitrates may help to lower blood pressure and may help to lower blood sugar as well. Low nitric oxide is associated with insulin resistance, and consumption of nitrate from beet juice can increase nitric oxide formation. In one study, a beetroot supplement increased nitric levels by 21% in just 45 minutes.
Interested in gardening and canning these healthy vegetables? This post tells you how: “Growing Beets: How to Grow Bigger, Sweeter Beets.”
Why are beets good for you? Our post lists several points, all of which will have you seeking out beets next time you're at the market.
© Liz Van Steenburgh | Dreamstime.com