How to Stop Snoring: Cures for You to Try

Wondering how to stop snoring? Consider some of these sleeping routines and products.

how to stop snoring

There are routines and products that may help you or your partner to stop snoring.

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When it comes to figuring out how to stop snoring, some desperate people may be willing to try anything—or suggest anything to their bedmates. There are no guarantees, of course, but you may find a snoring cure that works for you or your partner.

In some cases, losing weight can help resolve snoring by reducing excess tissue in the throat. Some people, especially men, tend to gain weight in their necks. Of course, there are other benefits to losing weight: improved blood pressure, less burden on your joints, lower diabetes risk, and so on.

But even if your primary incentive is simply to figure out how to stop snoring, it’s smart to start an exercise routine today. At the same time, begin swapping out the high-fat, high-sugar foods in your diet for more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. (Click here to read “How to Get a Healthy Eating Plan in Place.”)

First Step: “Training”

Training yourself how to stop snoring can take some time as you get used to a new way of sleeping. But it may be worth the effort. Most snorers snore more frequently and loudly when they sleep on their back. Several widely used snoring cures are designed to prevent back sleeping if you can’t sleep on your side without some assistance. Sleeping next to a full-length pillow may also help you stay comfortable while you get used to sleeping on your side.

If you must sleep on your back, elevating your head even a little can be a way to keep your airways open.

Over-the-counter (OTC) adhesive strips such as Breathe-Right, which stretch across the nostrils, can pull the nostrils open wider to admit more air, and decongestant sprays such as Snore-Away reduce airway swelling, but their effects are temporary.

If products can’t help train your body how to stop snoring, maybe lifestyle choices will make the difference. Avoiding alcohol, especially within a few hours of bedtime, can often help. Even people who don’t normally snore may find themselves sawing logs after a few drinks.

Take Note of Allergens

One other snoring cure to try has more to do with your particular allergies or sensitivities to things like dust. Allergens in your bedroom can affect your nasal passages and lead to snoring. Try keeping your room dusted, including the ceiling fan, if you have one. And change your bed linens regularly. Also, get a new pillow periodically. Dust mites or other allergens may be lurking right next to your head, just waiting to get you started snoring tonight.

If you’re congested for any reason, a hot, steamy shower might help clear your nasal passages and relax you, too. Just be aware that if your body temperature rises too much, either from a hot shower or a workout late in the evening, you may have trouble sleeping later. Your body needs to cool down to get a good night’s sleep.

If these snoring cures don’t help, talk with your doctor and consult a sleep specialist. You can also ask an ear-nose-and-throat specialist for ideas about how to not snore. It may take a few different attempts, but it will be worth it if you can breathe easier—and more quietly—at night.

For further reading on snoring solutions, see these University Health News posts:

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Jay Roland

Jay Roland has been executive editor of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Mind, Mood & Memory since 2017. Previously, he held the same position with Cleveland Clinic’s Heart Advisor, since 2007. In … Read More

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