Complete Step-By-Step Guide on How to Lose Weight

“I want to lose weight, but I don’t know where to start!” “There is so much conflicting information about health and nutrition; I don’t know who to believe.” “I’ve tried fad diets; nothing ever works!” “I just don’t have the time to exercise.” Do any of these statements sound familiar?  If so, we have just what you’ve been looking for!

It is estimated that by 2030, 50% of residents in 39 American states could be obese – that’s half of the population![1] Moreover, on the average, the health-related cost of being obese is $2,465 each year for every obese American adult. This means, if you are overweight, your total additional health care expenses resulting purely from obesity could exceed $49,000 for the next 20 years of your life! Is obesity threatening the health of your future, or perhaps even your pocketbook? Would you like to know how you can reverse that downward trend and start investing in your future? The answer is simple – It’s time to P-U-S-H yourself! 

P-U-S-H Yourself!

  1. P – Purpose. Write down your purpose – your specific goal for losing weight. Don’t make it a number on the scale or a dress size. Instead, find a truly valuable motivation – something that is precious to you.  Here are a few examples: “I want to feel better and have more energy so I can enjoy my time with my friends instead of being tired all the time.” “I don’t want my family to worry about taking care of me because I’m in poor health 20 years from now.” “I want to save over $2,000 per year and use that money for a college fund.” “I want to be able to go on that special vacation or mission trip next summer.” After you write your motivating purpose on a piece of paper, tape it someplace where you will see it every day, perhaps on your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, or next to your computer.  Whichever place you choose, make sure you read it – possibly even out loud – every single day.
  2. U – Utilize. Utilize your time and resources. The first resource you can utilize is our Natural Health 101 Free Report. Our report contains our healthy food list, exercise plan and recommended supplement regimen – everything you’ll need to get started on achieving your weight loss goals. After you download your FREE report, look for additional resources: Search online for a YouTube exercise routine you might enjoy, ask a friend if they will exercise with you and/or keep you accountable, ask a church group for support or find an online health forum, download an app to your phone such as a nutrition and fitness tracker, etc. After evaluating your resources, work on utilizing your time. Write out a 4- to 6-week plan on your personal calendar. When planning, ask yourself these questions: What nutrition goals will I set each week? Is there one particular food I know I need to eliminate right away (sodas, desserts, etc.)?  When is a realistic time for me to exercise?  What type of exercise sounds fun and is something I will actually stick to?  Remember, you have to plan realistic actions in order to manage your time and resources effectively. Start out simple and increase your progress each week.  Here is a 2-week example to get you started:
  3. S – Start & Stick. This step is self-explanatory. Start your plan and stick to it! Remember, keep looking at that purpose statement and don’t give up!
  4. H – Habit. Stick to your plan until it becomes a habit. Research indicates it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks to develop a habit. So during this initial time period, keep reminding yourself that you are still in this phase. When the going gets tough, ask your friend or support group to encourage you and keep reading that purpose statement. After your initial 6-week period, go back through these P-U-S-H steps.  Purpose – Have you thought of a new motivation?  Perhaps it will look something like this: “I feel so good when I walk in the morning, so I want to keep it up.”  Now, you’ll have two goals to read every day.  Utilize – Are there additional resources you have discovered or perhaps readjustments to your schedule that need to be made?  Start & Stick – Keep working on that plan until it’s a Habit!

Losing weight is about is so much more than pounds and inches. It’s about having endless energy, decreasing your stress, preventing disease and even protecting your pocketbook. But it has to become a lifestyle to ultimately work in the long run; that is, you have to continue doing it even after you achieve your weight goal. The good thing about this lifestyle, though, is it is self-reinforcing. After it becomes a habit, you will start feeling better and you’ll want that feeling to continue. You will actually start preferring the healthy food to eat because it tastes better and gives you energy! I know – it is hard to believe, but it is true. So, what are you waiting for? Excellent health is just a choice away. So, get going! It’s time to P-U-S-H yourself!

[1] F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012 Trust for America’s Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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