The Truth about Electromagnetic Dangers

The Truth about Electromagnetic DangersPeople are almost constantly exposed to electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical appliances, radio towers, cell phones, and computers. Different types of electromagnetic energy, such as light, heat, x-rays, and microwaves, have different intensities and speeds of vibration. Waves that vibrate quickly (high frequency), such as X-rays and gamma rays, can cause immediate structural damage to cells and DNA.

In contrast, low-frequency energy is usually assumed to be harmless. Recent studies, however, suggest that it also poses electromagnetic dangers. The extremely low-frequency energy (ELF) that comes from sources such as power lines, electrical appliances, and radio towers can have detrimental effects on cells. The microwaves that are transmitted from cell phones and computers have also been shown to cause health problems. 

Low-frequency energy and magnetic fields affect immunity, fertility, and bones

Low-frequency waves influence biochemical reactions inside the body. Studies demonstrate that ELF waves interfere with receptors that control how much calcium is allowed to pass into cells.[1] They also alter white blood cell levels.[2] Research suggests that the impaired calcium exchange has an effect on cellular signaling, which causes white blood cells to differentiate into incorrect types and move to incorrect locations. Overall, this makes the immune system less effective at responding to threats.

Calcium is also important to the movement of neurotransmitters, especially in muscles and in the central nervous system.[3] It is difficult for signals to pass between cells when intercellular calcium levels are decreased, and cells transmit signals too rapidly when intercellular calcium is increased. Cellular levels of magnesium and zinc have also been shown to decrease as a result of chronic ELF exposure.[4] This mineral deficiency is known to alter the structure and metabolism of bone.

Household electronics

Household electronics introduce additional exposure. When electricity travels through a wire, a magnetic field is created that surrounds the wire. The magnetic field becomes larger and more powerful as the amount of electric current is increased. Powerful appliances require more electric current to operate, and they therefore create stronger magnetic fields than weaker appliances. The quantity of electric current is measured in amps, and the power of the appliance is measured in watts. Both of these numbers are typically found on the bottoms of appliances. Electrical wires that are touched directly are of more concern. This includes electric blankets and laptop computers.

Considering that they are typically kept near the body and used for extended periods of time, portable computers and tablets are the most electromagnetically hazardous household electronics. In fact, research confirms that laptops are known to cause sperm cells to suffer DNA fragmentation and decreased motility.[6] For this reason, it is best to keep them on desks or tables while in use.

Cellular telephones damage DNA

Research shows that DNA is damaged when cellular telephones are dialing, being dialed, or transmitting calls.[5] Considering that these devices are typically kept in pockets, this study suggests that they could be responsible for reproductive impairments in men. Cell phone microwaves increase the generation of free radicals in mitochondria, and this decreases the motility and vitality of sperm cells that are continuously located near cellular telephones.[7] The effect of cell phones on female fertility is unknown.

Brain cells are affected as well. DNA strand breaks, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cell death have been shown to occur as a result of chronic two-hour exposures to cell phone frequencies.[9] The single-strand breaks that were observed in the study are usually repaired by the cell, but errors sometimes occur that can lead to permanent DNA mutation. Chronic exposure increases the likelihood of mutation.

How to mitigate EMF and microwave dangers

According to the research, cell phones are generally harmless when they are not dialing or transmitting. Storing them in pockets throughout the day is unlikely to cause health effects, but keeping them in a purse, backpack, or briefcase would confer added safety. Make sure to hold the telephone at a distance while it is dialing, and do not have conversations that last more than 2 hours. Portable computers and tablets should not be placed on the lap, as this can allow their magnetic fields to compromise fertility.

[1] Bioelectromagnetics. 2003 Sep;24(6):395-402.

[2] FASEB J. 1992 Oct; 6(13):3177-85.

[3] Mol Membr Biol. 2002 Oct-Dec;19(4):293-300.

[4] Biol Trace Elem Res. 2011 Oct;143(1):359-67.

[5] Int J Radiat Biol. 2013 Nov;89(11):993-1001.

[6] Fertil Steril. 2012 Jan;97(1):39-45.e2.

[7] PLoS One. 2013;8(3).

[8] Bioelectromagnetics. 1995;16(3):207-10.

[9] Cell Biochem Biophys. 2014 Mar;68(2):347-58.

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