$2465 Each Year – The Price for Getting Fat

Folks who are overweight have various motivations for wanting to lose weight; it allows them to look better and thus have a better self-image, it allows them to feel better with fewer aches and pains, and it improves their long-term health. But, consider one shocking statistic that may become your most serious motivation of all – getting fat will cost you a bucket-full of money in the long run – in fact, $2465 each year.

Many people say eating “healthy foods” like organic fruits and vegetables is prohibitively expensive, especially compared to the burger/fries meal at the local fast food restaurant. But a new study reveals just how much it is costing Americans in increased health care cost to be obese.[1] Medical costs associated with treating preventable obesity-related diseases in the United States are currently estimated at amounts up to $210 billion annually. What does that mean to you, the individual? It means if you are an obese American adult, your annual health-related cost is $2465![2] Just think what you could do with that kind of extra cash laying around. It sure makes eating organic fruits and vegetables a lot more affordable. And, it gives much more tangible reward to working on that healthy eating–weight loss plan. 

Is obesity threatening your future?

It is estimated that by 2030, 50% of residents in 39 American states could be obese – that’s half of the population in those states! Think of yourself 20 years from now – Is obesity threatening your future, or the future of a loved one? We all have to make choices in life and this is one each of us has to make: 20 years from now, do you want to be in the half of the population who is obese or do you want to be in the half that is healthy? And, do you want to pay an extra $2465 each of those 20 years for the extra medical care costs that obesity bears? Maybe now is the time to get serious about losing some weight and making it a lifestyle to eat in a more healthful manner.

You might be thinking, “The choice is easy, but actually losing weight is the hard part!” And, you’re right. Losing weight is not easy. It takes effort and it takes time. But, is it worth it? You bet it is!  The long-term benefits far outweigh the daily battles. Not only will you lose weight and save money, you’ll have increased energy, less stress and possibly even add a few years to your life – years you can spend enjoying quality time with your family and friends. Do these benefits sound worth it to you?  If so, let’s discuss what would be a Practical Guide on How to Lose Weight. It’s time to find the NEW you!

[1] F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012 Trust for America’s Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

[2] Calculated as: $210,000,000,000 estimated annual cost for medical costs for treating preventable obesity related diseases divided by number of US obese adults (314,000,000 total population x 76% who are adults x 35.7% who are obese)

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