types of depression

Am I Depressed? These 10 Symptoms Can Tell the Story

The National Institutes of Health defines depression as a common but serious mood disorder. That may leave you still wondering, "Am I depressed?" The answer is: You're dealing with depression if your mood severely affects you how feel, think, sleep, work, and interact with others, and if your depression symptoms … Read More

What Kind of Depression Do I Have?

Because there are multiple types of depression, anyone feeling as if he or she is battling the condition might understandably wonder, “What kind of depression do I have?” The most severe form is major depressive disorder, or MDD. People with MDD feel down most or all of the time and … Read More

Severe Depression: Are You at Risk?

Depression—a mood disorder that affects an estimated one in 10 Americans at some point in their lives—is a complex mental health condition that comes in a variety of forms, each with distinct characteristics. Whether mild or severe, depression in anyone should be addressed. “The concept of ‘depression’ is actually a … Read More

Seasonal Depression: Shedding Light on SAD

Seasonal depression usually begins as soon as the weather cools and the days shorten, around September or October, and lasts until it warms up again, often in April. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is most often seen in women, although men also battle it. It has no age limits. Many of … Read More

What Is Situational Depression?

If you haven't heard the phrase before, your first question may be, "What is situational depression?" Yet in a way, it also defines itself. Situational depression a type of depression tied to a negative event or experience, or that results directly from a specific situation. The heart-wrenching death of a … Read More

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