Mobility & Fitness

Yoga Is Ideal for Seniors

Yoga is a centuries-old mind and body practice that has many practical applications in today’s world. Flexibility, strength, body awareness, and a calmer mind are just a few of the many benefits. These benefits are realized through “poses,” which are specific positions done while standing, sitting, or lying down. Breathing … Read More

Exercise to Boost Your Bone Strength

· · Mobility & Fitness
About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, and 44 million people have low bone mass density, which places them at risk for progressing to osteoporosis, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). It is important to try to prevent osteoporosis because it makes your bones brittle, and this renders them vulnerable … Read More

2. The Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential for everyone. It improves mood, reduces stress, and can even help decrease the pain of osteoarthritis. In fact, there are few diseases or conditions for which exercise hasn’t shown some positive impact. Multiple studies over the years have provided further evidence to these benefits. For example, … Read More

Stay Fit by Strengthening Your Core

· · Mobility & Fitness
Your “core” includes your abdominal and pelvic muscles, as well as your lower back muscles. All the muscles in your core hold you up and stabilize your body. Keeping your core strong is critical to every move you make, as well as proper breathing, good digestive function, and good posture. … Read More

12. Fitness as a Lifestyle

Fundraisers, Competitions, and Active Travel Staying active for life requires motivation and dedication. But it doesn’t all have to be self-generated. Having a workout partner can make a big difference: He or she can hold you accountable for showing up (or skipping out!) and can motivate you to work harder … Read More

11. Racket Sports

Tennis, Racquetball, Pickleball, and Beyond Bored with your ho-hum gym routine? Crave something that stimulates both mind and body? Then pick up a racket. Racket sports like tennis, racquetball, pickleball, and ping-pong are especially ideal for older adults, who often need exercise motivation. “Maintaining interest is often the greatest obstacle … Read More

10. Cycling

From Spinning Classes to Scenic Group Rides Like swimming, riding a bike is a relatively joint-friendly activity. It can trigger the adrenaline rush of self-propelled speed akin to a runner’s high, but without all the pavement pounding that can hurt knees and other joints. Outdoor rides fill your lungs with … Read More

9. Water Workouts

Aqua-Exercise: Refreshing, Low-Impact, and Effective Pool classes have undergone an extreme make-over in the past few years. While exercising in the water will always have a joint-friendly benefit, a variety of higher-intensity classes are making a splash with people of all ages and fitness levels. Almost anything you can do … Read More

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