Mobility & Fitness

Step Into Spring With These Walking Tips

· · Mobility & Fitness
Walking is one of the most enjoyable and healthful activities you can do. It’s good for both body and mind. As you walk, blood vessels in your arms and legs expand and fill with fresh oxygen and nutrients, and your muscles reach out to your stored carbohydrates for fuel. Also, … Read More

Resistance Exercise Fights Depression

· · Mobility & Fitness
While we already know that exercise can help fight depression, a new meta-analysis has shown that the benefits aren’t limited to aerobic activity. Researchers at the University of Limerick in Ireland reported in JAMA Psychiatry that resistance training, such as lifting weights, using resistance bands, or doing calisthenics, can significantly … Read More

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: Move More!

· · Mobility & Fitness
In 2008, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion developed the first set of physical activity guidelines ever for the American public. These guidelines are the authoritative voice for how physical activity can help promote health and decrease a person’s risk of disease. But most Americans had difficulty following … Read More

Build Upper-Body Strength with Dumbbells

· · Mobility & Fitness
Dumbbells are handheld weights that are great for starting out in muscle toning and strength-training. Sizes range from 1 pound all the way up to 100 pounds and more, but you won’t need to purchase a complete set. Dumbbells can be bought individually for just a few dollars. Start with … Read More

Training for Better Surgical Outcomes

· · Mobility & Fitness
Surgery is stressful on the body and mind. The degree of stress depends upon many factors, including the magnitude of the surgery, the preoperative condition of the patient, and the risk of postoperative complications. Of course, every surgical procedure carries with it some risk, however small. In older adults it’s … Read More

Pilates Has Wide-Ranging Benefits

· · Mobility & Fitness
A recent small study (Musculoskeletal Care, Nov. 6, 2018) is the first to investigate individual perceptions of how Pilates impacts daily life in people with chronic musculoskeletal discomfort due to conditions like arthritis and nonspecific low back pain. “Standard treatment for these conditions aims to relieve the symptoms so they … Read More

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