Stress & Anxiety

adult adhd diagnosis

Adult ADHD Diagnosis—and How Treatment Can Help

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychological disorder marked by attentional issues, hyperactivity, and impulsivity behavior. It's not confined to young people either; it can become a lifelong issue. So what's the best way to pursue adult ADHD diagnosis and treatment? First, a brief history of ADHD. In 1902, pediatrician … Read More
is laughing good for you?

Is Laughing Good for You?

· · Stress & Anxiety
Getting together with friends and family is a wonderful time to catch up, share stories, and hopefully get some good laughs in. But is the good story or joke that gets the whole gang roaring with laughter just adding fun to the dinner table—or is laughing good for you as … Read More

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