
cures for insomnia

Think Natural: Cures for Insomnia

· · Sleep
Are you among those who count sheep until the wee hours of the morning, trying unsuccessfully to drift off to sleep? You’re not alone. Insomnia affects about 30 percent of the general population and almost half of adults over age 60. Fortunately, there are a number of natural cures for … Read More
sleep apnea surgery

Should You Have Sleep Apnea Surgery?

· · Sleep
Can sleep apnea be cured? Yes, and an operation—sleep apnea surgery—may your best bet to overcome this serious sleep disorder. The type of procedure will depend on the specific physical characteristics of your mouth, throat or sinuses. No matter what treatment is decided upon, addressing the problem is essential. Sleep … Read More
sleep apnea symptoms

Sleep Apnea Symptoms: How a Sleep Study Test Can Help

· · Sleep
If you recall waking up as a child and hearing one of your parents snoring on the other side of the house, you’d be justified wondering whether you were hearing sleep apnea symptoms. In fact, your snoring parent may never have pursued a formal diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). … Read More
sleeping apnea

When Sleeping, Apnea Poses Serious Heart Risks

· · Sleep
Snoring while you sleep may be doing much more than keeping your partner awake. It could be alerting you or anyone within earshot that you may have a potentially serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A temporary pause in breathing while you’re sleeping, apnea may occur a few times … Read More

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