
using melatonin

What You Should Know About Using Melatonin for Sleep

· · Sleep
If you’re always searching for help in how to fight insomnia, you may have wondered about using melatonin for sleep. Melatonin is an over-the-counter supplement, sold right alongside vitamins and fish oil. But can it help you achieve a restful night’s sleep? Many people have tried using melatonin for sleep … Read More
sleeping pills

Don’t Rely on Sleeping Pills Alone to Get Your Shut-Eye

· · Sleep
Over-the-counter and prescription sleeping pills might seem like an easy fix for your insomnia. After all, who wouldn’t want to get a better night’s sleep just by taking a pill? Trouble is, many sleep medications may cause unwanted side effects, especially in older adults. So, many sleep experts encourage judicious … Read More
sleep study

Get a Sleep Study and Put an End to Your Restless Nights

· · Sleep
You slept for seven hours last night, but today you still feel tired. Sometime overnight, your bed partner retreated to the couch, unable to tolerate your snoring and recurrent awakenings. Trouble is, you don’t remember a thing. All signs point to obstructive sleep apnea, characterized by brief halts in breathing … Read More
bipap machine

What Is a BiPAP Machine?

· · Sleep
What is a BiPAP machine? First, let's look at the BiPAP itself. It's a type of ventilation treatment for people with sleep apnea and other respiratory problems. You may have already heard of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which has been around for many years. BiPAP, or bilevel positive airway … Read More
sleep disorders

Address Sleep Disorders to Feel Better and Improve Your Health

· · Sleep
Sleep deficiency—not getting enough restful sleep—is associated with many serious health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression. Some people are able to correct a sleep disorder by improving their sleep habits and environment, but for those who continue to have sleep problems, a sleep disorder … Read More
fatal familial insomnia

Fatal Familial Insomnia: What to Know About FFI

· · Sleep
Insomnia takes on many forms and has many causes. For some people, stress or depression keeps them from getting a good night’s sleep. For others, the problem is prescription medication or too much caffeine. And for many people, advancing age, an underlying medical condition like Parkinson’s disease, or just poor … Read More
why do people snore

Why Do People Snore?

· · Sleep
Snoring is an incredibly common problem—more than half of the respondents in a National Sleep Foundation poll said other people had told them they snore. Among those who snore, 64 percent say their snoring can be as loud as talking, and one in six say they snore so loudly it … Read More
why can't I sleep

Why Can’t I Sleep? Remedies for Sleep Disorder

· · Sleep
Suffering from bouts of insomnia—and not exactly sure of what's causing it? You’re not alone. There are millions of people just like you who wonder, "Why can’t I sleep?" Anyone who has to ask that question may benefit from these common-sense behaviors, each of which can lead to a better … Read More

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