
supplements for cognitive health

Stay Sharp: 4 Supplements That May Help Cognitive Health

· · Memory
Researchers have identified a number of herbal and nutritional supplements that can prevent or slow the progression of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. But four stand out as being especially effective. Because symptoms don’t manifest until  years or decades after they begin, these four supplements for cognitive … Read More
mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Recipes

· · Memory
Following the Mediterranean diet meal plan can protect your health in a number of ways: reducing the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and more. But getting started on this program can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a … Read More
man suffering from low testosterone and depression

What Is the Link Between Low Testosterone and Depression?

· · Memory
In 2012, I wrote about the relationship between low testosterone and depression. Today, I want to update you on the latest research on the use of testosterone replacement therapy as a treatment for depression in men. In February 2014, researchers from the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry at Saint Louis … Read More
a jar of manuka honey

Do You Know About These Manuka Honey Uses?

· · Memory
Honey made from the manuka plant has enhanced antimicrobial and wound healing properties that make it excellent at treating cuts, scrapes, infections, and burns. Manuka honey has antibacterial effects and can kill or inhibit several strands of bacteria, even some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Manuka honey has even been found to be safe to … Read More
Fish oil supplements as a borderline personality disorder treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment: Natural Omega-3 May Help

· · Memory
Does fish oil supplementation work as borderline personality disorder treatment? The benefits of fish oil supplements for those who suffer from borderline personality disorder were confirmed in two different randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. The research found fish oil supplements to be safe and effective for significantly reducing depression, aggression, and … Read More
A to do list of healthy habits

5 Healthy Habits of Healthy People

· · Memory
You have no debt. You’re highly organized. You eat healthy every single day. You exercise at least four times per week. You never binge on TV or social media. You sleep eight hours every night. Your life consists only of healthy habits, and you avoid any negative influences that could … Read More
Illustration of a thyroid doctor

How to Find a Thyroid Doctor or Endocrinologist

· · Memory
Thyroid hormones affect every single cell of your body, profoundly impacting how you think, look, and feel. About 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men have abnormally low thyroid hormone levels. If you are one of these people, it's important to find the right medical help. Here's how … Read More

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