
leptin resistance food

What Is Leptin?

· · Nutrition
Leptin is a hormone that was only discovered in 1994. A hormone is a chemical messenger that carries instructions from one part of your body to another. It is produced in fat cells. Fat cells release this hormone when they have gathered enough energy from calories in your diet. Leptin … Read More
calcium deficiency symptoms

Are You at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

· · Nutrition
You probably know that calcium is important for growing and keeping your bones strong. Did you know that calcium has many other important functions? These include heart, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and hormone functions. There is also some evidence that maintaining a normal calcium level may reduce your risk for … Read More
is ice cream bad for you close up of ice cream

Is Ice Cream Bad for You?

· · Nutrition
It happened just like that. You sat on the couch, spoon in hand, to enjoy a few spoonfuls of your favorite ice cream. Suddenly, you were staring down the barrel of an empty carton, with remnants of Rocky Road splattered on your chin. “Not again,” you cried. As you pondered … Read More
selenium foods

Selenium Foods: Make Sure You Get Enough of This Nutrient

· · Nutrition
It’s important to make sure your diet contains sufficient amounts of the selenium, an important trace element that is necessary for healthy brain, immune system, thyroid, reproductive, and lung function. Make sure these selenium foods play a starring role in your regular diet. 11 Foods High in Selenium 1. Brazil … Read More
sourdough bread health benefits

The Numerous Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

· · Nutrition
Have you ever been warned that you should cut bread out of your diet because it's full of carbohydrates, makes you gain weight, and is bad for your health? If you’re a bread lover, sourdough bread may be a great option, because the health benefits of sourdough bread are numerous. … Read More
is it bad to eat at night

Is It Bad To Eat At Night?

· · Nutrition
Late-night meals and midnight snacks aren’t uncommon. Whether you get home late from work and have to eat dinner when you're usually going to bed, watch a movie late and snack on popcorn, or feel the need to graze on food to stay awake on a late study night, there's … Read More
sweet potatoes vs. potatoes

Sweet Potatoes vs. Potatoes: Which Is Healthier?

· · Nutrition
Known as America’s favorite vegetable, potatoes are beloved for their versatility, their compatibility with other foods, and their ability to be transformed into two of America’s favorite junk foods. And although sweet potatoes aren’t as popular, they’re perceived to be a healthier alternative to white potatoes because of their lower … Read More

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