Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat

common cold

Common Cold and Flu Prevention: 15 Tips to Keep You Healthy

Every year, millions of Americans are hit by cold, flu, and other respiratory infections. While the common cold will rarely cause serious complications, the flu and other infections—such as Legionnaire’s, pneumococcus, and mycoplasma—can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening complications, especially in the young, the elderly, and the chronically sick. … Read More
do flu shots work

Do Flu Shots Work?

If you had the flu vaccine this year, you may be expecting to get through flu season with just the odd sniffle here and there. But that might not be the case. In December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that flu activity had increased sharply in … Read More
strep throat symptoms in adults

Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults

Strep throat symptoms in adults usually mean a visit to a doctor is in order. The organism that causes strep throat symptoms in adults is highly contagious and can lead to a painful sinus infection as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a person with strep … Read More
immune system supplements

3 Immune System Supplements to Prevent the Flu

Do you want to stay flu-free? Are you curious about immune system supplements, wondering if any of the hundreds available are really effective? Many naturopathic and integrative doctors recommend effective, immune system boosters that can be safely taken long-term during the flu season to help lower the likelihood you’ll get … Read More

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