
gluten and depression

The Surprising Link Between Gluten and Depression

· · Depression
Is there a connection between gluten and depression? Investigators from the Department of Gastroenterology at Monash University and The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, had observed from previous studies that people with gluten sensitivity (but without celiac disease) may still have digestive symptoms while on a gluten-free diet but continue … Read More
Woman dealing with depression. coping with depression

8 Easy Tips for Coping with Depression

· · Depression
Coping with depression can be very difficult, but you can lessen the blow by recognizing when you have symptoms and getting professional help. Follow the treatment plan your doctor prescribes. Contact your doctor right away if you are having bothersome or worrisome side effects from your medication. Keep in mind … Read More
treating depression in the elderly

Treating Depression in the Elderly

· · Depression
Depression affects more than 6.5 million people ages 65 and older in the U.S., according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. That number rises dramatically among elderly people who are hospitalized—demonstrating the effect significant illness can have on mental health. Causes | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment   Causes … Read More
what is dopamine

What Is Dopamine? Understanding the “Feel-Good Hormone”

· · Depression
You’ve heard of it, but you still may be wondering, “What is dopamine?” Its reputation centers around its reputation as the “feel-good hormone.” Dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, bliss, motivation, and concentration, yet there’s more to it than that. Like serotonin, dopamine is a type of brain chemical … Read More
natural antidepressants

Natural Antidepressants to Try (and to Avoid)

· · Depression
Supplements making memory and cognitive claims may be marketed as beneficial for mood, depression, sleep quality, and “energy.” Other products focus primarily on these mental factors that affect mood and behavior, which in turn can indirectly affect cognition. The evidence for the effectiveness of these natural antidepressants is mixed, though … Read More

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