
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic

Nearly one-third of Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)—now the most common chronic disease of the liver.[1] Although rarely discussed in conventional medical offices and even less in the media, NAFLD is epidemic. This stealthy condition can go undetected for years—with deadly consequences. Once advanced, NAFLD cannot be reversed. … Read More

Guilt-Free Grains on a High Triglyceride Diet

Many people trying to reduce triglyceride levels through diet have heard that they need to eat low-carb, which means greatly reducing or even eliminating grains altogether. There’s no doubt that this approach works.[1] However, research clearly shows that an effective high triglyceride diet can be high in carbohydrates, as long … Read More

Foods That Fight Cancer

As a prior oncology nurse, I’m constantly asked, “What are the most effective foods that fight cancer?” The answer is less about specific foods than about ingredients. And according to evidence-based research, five ingredients rank higher than any other nutraceuticals, and each should be included as part of an anti-cancer … Read More

Is Your Doctor Ignoring Your High Triglycerides? Are You?

The last time you had your cholesterol checked, you may have noticed that your triglyceride levels were also measured. Along with total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL, triglycerides are part of a standard cholesterol test—also called a lipid panel— performed by most laboratories.  When checking your cholesterol, most doctors order a … Read More

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