
Eat less salt advice written with plastic letter beads on granulated salt

How to Reduce Salt

· · Heart Health
Nine out of 10 Americans still consume more sodium than the currently recommended limits, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess sodium consumption was found to be a particular problem among men, 98 percent of whom consumed too much sodium compared with 80 … Read More
a platter of different foods rich in b12

The Best B12 Foods for Every Diet

· · Heart Health
Vitamin B-12—the largest and most complex of all the vitamins—is an essential nutrient that, with very few exceptions, must be supplied by animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, and dairy).This is because only bacteria and other one-celled organisms can synthesize vitamin B12. The bacteria in the intestines of humans and animals … Read More
Homemade brownies made with some vegetables in the recipe.

Sneak More Fruits and Veggies into Your Diet

· · Heart Health
A heart-healthy diet is generous in fruits and vegetables, but not enough people reap the benefits of produce consumption. Only 13 percent of people in the U.S. are eating enough fruit—1.5 to 2 cups daily—according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The news is worse for vegetables: Just … Read More
spirulina algae

Spirulina Algae May Benefit Your Brain and Much More

· · Heart Health
The Aztecs and Mayans began eating spirulina as early as 1450. Now, almost 600 years later, it is used as an essential food for NASA astronauts. This algae’s enduring popularity is due to its tremendous nutritional value. Nearly 70% of its dry weight consists of complete protein, and the remainder … Read More
Woman taking vitamins that heal acne

Minerals and Vitamins That May Help Acne

· · Heart Health
Acne is a bothersome problem most people have been familiar with at some point in their lives. Affecting adolescents and young adults the most, this skin disease can persist for years and can even lead to scarring if not treated. In severe cases, doctors prescribe both topical and oral antibiotics. … Read More
Fruits and vegetables

Preserve Nutrients in the Kitchen

· · Heart Health
Fresh is best, frozen is next. Fresh, ripe produce in season will usually be highest in nutrients—but you need to eat fruits and vegetables year-round, even in the middle of winter. Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates that freezing produce immediately after harvesting retains 95 to 100 percent of … Read More
mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Recipes

· · Heart Health
Following the Mediterranean diet meal plan can protect your health in a number of ways: reducing the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and more. But getting started on this program can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a … Read More

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