
brown rice vs. white rice

Brown Rice vs. White Rice: Which One is Healthier for You?

· · Nutrition
Rice is a grain commonly consumed all over the world. It’s the world’s third highest-produced grain crop, after corn and wheat and is consumed by millions. Two of most popular types of rice are long-grain brown and white. Both are delicious, versatile, and economical forms of nutrition. Plus, they’re gluten-free, … Read More
Too much salt.

How to Avoid Salt

· · Nutrition
Nine out of 10 Americans still consume more sodium than the currently recommended limits, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess sodium consumption was found to be a particular problem among men, 98 percent of whom consumed too much sodium compared with 80 … Read More
cod liver oil benefits

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Risks

· · Nutrition
It used to be fairly common for everyone in the family to drink a spoonful of cod liver oil daily. But what are cod liver oil benefits? And what are its risks? Nutrients in cod liver oil Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, including cod, is one of the major food sources … Read More
chronic dehydration

Do You Have Chronic Dehydration?

· · Nutrition
Water is one of the health essentials you probably don’t think about much, but chronic dehydration can have significant impact on your well-being. Furthermore, we wouldn’t survive long without it. Water makes up about three-quarters of our body weight; we obtain it via the fluids we drink (obviously!), and from … Read More
potassium deficiency symptoms

Potassium Deficiency? 10 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough

· · Nutrition
Potassium deficiency is the result of hypokalemia—the medical term for blood serum potassium levels that are below normal. Normal blood potassium levels are typically between 3.6 and 5.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). A potassium level that is very low (less than 2.5 mmol/L) can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical … Read More
illustration of candida, a possible parasite

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Humans

· · Nutrition
Microorganisms feeding on our bodies outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. A typical person carries as many as six pounds of microbes, all living in a delicate, symbiotic balance amongst each other. These microbes can cause either a beneficial or a harmful effect. Most assuredly, an imbalanced overgrowth of … Read More
is hydroxycut safe

Is Hydroxycut Safe?

· · Nutrition
Hydroxycut is a popular line of weight loss supplements that has received a fair share of attention by the FDA over the last ten years due to safety concerns. Although Hydroxycut ingredients have changed over the years as a result of safety issues, adverse health outcomes linked to the newest … Read More
foods that are good for your cholesterol levels

Choose Cholesterol-Friendly Foods

· · Nutrition
There are several reasons why certain foods are good for your cholesterol and your heart health. Some have direct effects on reducing LDL and/or triglycerides. Others are more filling and, if they’re low in calories, will help with weight loss. Plus, by filling up on these healthier options, you’re not … Read More

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