
Too much salt.

How to Avoid Salt

· · Energy and Fatigue
Nine out of 10 Americans still consume more sodium than the currently recommended limits, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess sodium consumption was found to be a particular problem among men, 98 percent of whom consumed too much sodium compared with 80 … Read More
mind diet

The MIND Diet: Easy-to-Follow Eating Plan Contributes to a Healthier Brain

· · Energy and Fatigue
Looking for a diet that might help you preserve your brain function as you get older? You might consider the so-called MIND diet. "MIND" stands for "Mediterranean-DASH-diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay." Scientists developed it by combining features from those healthy dietary patterns—the Mediterranean-style diet and DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to … Read More
cod liver oil benefits

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Risks

· · Energy and Fatigue
It used to be fairly common for everyone in the family to drink a spoonful of cod liver oil daily. But what are cod liver oil benefits? And what are its risks? Nutrients in cod liver oil Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, including cod, is one of the major food sources … Read More
chronic dehydration

Do You Have Chronic Dehydration?

· · Energy and Fatigue
Water is one of the health essentials you probably don’t think about much, but chronic dehydration can have significant impact on your well-being. Furthermore, we wouldn’t survive long without it. Water makes up about three-quarters of our body weight; we obtain it via the fluids we drink (obviously!), and from … Read More
illustration of candida, a possible parasite

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Humans

· · Energy and Fatigue
Microorganisms feeding on our bodies outnumber our cells by 10 to 1. A typical person carries as many as six pounds of microbes, all living in a delicate, symbiotic balance amongst each other. These microbes can cause either a beneficial or a harmful effect. Most assuredly, an imbalanced overgrowth of … Read More
is hydroxycut safe

Is Hydroxycut Safe?

· · Energy and Fatigue
Hydroxycut is a popular line of weight loss supplements that has received a fair share of attention by the FDA over the last ten years due to safety concerns. Although Hydroxycut ingredients have changed over the years as a result of safety issues, adverse health outcomes linked to the newest … Read More

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