Digestive Health

pancreas pain

Pancreas Pain: What’s Behind It?

· · Digestive Health
If you’ve been experiencing a nagging abdominal pain that seems to worsen after eating, it might not be a stomach upset—it might actually be pancreas pain. If pancreatitis is at the root of your pain, it can manifest acutely, or as a chronic illness. Acute pancreatitis is most likely due … Read More
small intestine

What Happens in the Small Intestine?

· · Digestive Health
Food passes from the stomach into the small intestine, where more digestion takes place, and the nutrients are absorbed into the body’s circulatory system. Once food is in the small intestine, the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder come into play. Digestive juices from these organs, along with enzymes on the cell … Read More
elimination diet

Try the Elimination Diet to Detox for the New Year

· · Digestive Health
Our bodies work daily to neutralize and eliminate toxins through the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. But it’s the liver and gastrointestinal tract that perform the most important detoxification functions in the body. In fact, many illnesses are related to problems of the digestive and liver detoxification … Read More

Preventing Kidney Stones

· · Digestive Health
Kidney stones can be an incredibly painful condition that can strike without warning. If you have only a small stone, you may have no symptoms at all, but if it is large enough to block the tubes inside the kidney, you may experience intense pains that come and go and … Read More

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