
Lavender May Reduce Signs of Anxiety in Women

It's normal to feel a little apprehensive from time to time. Let’s face it—life can be stressful. All of us worry about things like financial problems, work, family struggles, or health. But sometimes anxiety can become so severe that completing simple, everyday tasks is difficult. When this occurs, it may … Read More

Lack of Motivation? Depression Could Be the Cause

You have lack of motivation to participate in the things you love. You feel hopeless. You’re fatigued, unable to sleep well or concentrate. As a result, your relationships at home and work suffer. If you’re bogged down by a lack of motivation, don’t just chalk it up to boredom or … Read More

Do Antidepressants Really Work?

Depression is miserable and debilitating. It can rob you of your motivation, energy, and zest for life. The goal of treating depression is simple—to feel better! With more than 10 percent of the population taking antidepressants, it seems prudent to ask, “Do antidepressants really work?” Antidepressants are the second most … Read More

Finding the Best Antidepressants for Anxiety

People who struggle with feelings of anxiety frequently turn to medications to help ease their symptoms. However, the large number of medications and their varying characteristics can sometimes make it challenging to find the one most likely to restore normal mood with a minimum of side effects. We asked a … Read More

For Men Dealing with Depression: Start by Getting Help

If you’re like many men, you don’t like to ask for help. You have a do-it-yourself attitude that any problem can be fixed. That’s also the mindset that many men have when it comes to dealing with depression. In general, experts say, men simply don’t discuss sadness or other feelings. … Read More

What Does Serotonin Do?

It's an important question in trying to understand the chemicals that help define us: "What does serotonin do?" Serotonin is a neurotransmitter—a brain chemical that helps to activate communication between brain cells. Neurotransmitters work by binding to receptors (molecules of protein that receive external signals) on the surface of cells. … Read More

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