heart disease risk

5 Heart Disease Warning Signs to Watch Out For

There are many types of heart disease, but the most common in the United Sates is coronary artery disease (CAD) which is decreased blood flow to your heart. Heart attack, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias), and heart failure are other common heart disease conditions. [1] Common heart disease warning signs for these … Read More

What Is Cholesterol Ratio?

Your total cholesterol and your LDL cholesterol have traditionally been considered the most important predictors of your risk for cardiovascular disease and are therefore most doctors’ primary focus when interpreting your cholesterol test. In addition to these numbers, your HDL and triglycerides are becoming more and more recognized as important … Read More

HDL vs. LDL: Which Cholesterol Number Is More Important?

You’ve probably heard high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol described as the “good” cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as the “bad” cholesterol. But when it comes to which type of cholesterol is most important to control, who wins the HDL vs. LDL matchup? If only it were that simple. There's considerable debate … Read More

Blood Test: What Our Results Tell Us About Our Health

An annual physical and a blood test go hand in hand. Blood tests can help a doctor to diagnose multiple medical problems and diseases, sometimes before a patient notices any of the tell-tale symptoms. Conditions such as cancer, liver disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems, anemia, blood cancer, heart disease, stroke, and … Read More

3 Simple Tips to Prevent Weight Gain During the Holidays

While the holiday season is typically a joyful time of year, it's also full of enticements—cookies, candies, pies, and cakes. So it’s no surprise that the No. 1 New Year’s resolution involves losing weight. By the time the holidays are over, many people are left with deep feelings of guilt. One … Read More

Is Wine Healthy?

It’s a logical question to ask if you’re enjoying a glass after a long day at work: Is wine healthy? Research has shown that drinking wine every day—following some important guidelines, of course—may provide adults with multiple health benefits. First, it’s important to keep in mind that the American Heart … Read More

Cranberries: The Healthy Holiday Antioxidant

Every year, my grandma makes three cranberry dishes to serve alongside our Thanksgiving turkey: a pureed cranberry sauce, a whole-fruit sauce, and a cranberry relish. And the days following, the family enjoys turkey sandwiches with those cranberry leftovers as a special, once-a-year condiment. Cranberries are a common food to pile … Read More

Top Pomegranate Health Benefits

Winter produce can be a bit drab in comparison to the fresh blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and nectarines of summertime. But each winter, I eagerly wait for one of my favorite foods of all time to appear on grocery store shelves: pomegranates. I’ve always loved the task of removing the seeds … Read More

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