food safety

Common BPA Sources—And How to Avoid Them

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been used since the 1960s in plastics and food containers. [1] Although its use has declined in recent years, it had become so common that a CDC study in 2004 found BPA in 93 percent of urine samples from people over … Read More

One of the Best Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning: Oregano Oil

Food poisoning results in a variety of symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal issues (abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting), to life-threatening organ failure. Luckily, most cases of food poisoning are short lived and not life-threatening. Furthermore, natural remedies for food poisoning may be able to shorten the illness and/or treat the … Read More

Is Milk Healthy?

Is milk healthy? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer is anything but simple. Milk is actually a controversial topic due to opinions that run the gamut from “milk is the best thing you can drink” to “milk is one of the worst drinks on the planet.” First, … Read More

Healthy Microwave Meals: They Do Exist!

Most of us need more hours in the day to get everything accomplished, but, alas, food preparation often becomes an afterthought. If you can relate, then you likely have prepared your share of meals in a microwave oven. Here's the good news: Healthy microwave meals can be a snap. For … Read More

Is Bottled Water Safe?

If you Googled “Is bottled water safe?” you likely found yourself inundated with countless sources that say, in a word, "No!” If you read on, however, you'd find that most of the controversy surrounding that question involves not so much the water itself, but the plastic bottles. So let's explore … Read More

Food-Borne Illness: How to Protect Your Family

We hear about food recalls in the media all the time. They are definitely worth paying attention to, and they are more serious than we might realize. Being affected by contaminated food is certainly not fun, and sadly, it affects a large number of people across the globe. The Centers … Read More

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