
Avoid Holiday Sleep Deprivation

· · Sleep
If you want to maximize your enjoyment of the holiday season, don’t let your celebrations interfere with your sleep. That’s the message of recent research that has linked sleep loss with a number of negative cognitive and emotional consequences. The studies suggest that changes in routines and behavior that go … Read More

From the Editor: Don’t Give Up on CPAP if You Have Sleep Apnea

· · Sleep
Many people find they don’t sleep as well as they age. For some, poor sleep is caused by painful health conditions like arthritis, nighttime urination, or medications they take. Others may have a sleep disorder that regularly disturbs their sleep. One of these is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—a condition I … Read More

Treat Sleep Apnea to Protect Overall Health

· · Sleep
A new study underlines the health risks associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The study (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, March 1) found that severe OSA is associated with recurrent cardiovascular events in people with cardiovascular disease. Other recent data points to the importance of staying compliant … Read More

Let’s Get Serious About Sleep

· · Sleep
Missing out on sleep can have serious consequences for the body and the brain—including possibly setting the stage for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), according to a new study. However, by learning a few sensible sleep strategies, you can improve the likelihood of a brain-healthy night’s rest. Sleep disturbances—having … Read More

Sleep Longer, Eat Less, Maintain a Healthier Weight

· · Sleep
Currently, 37 percent of Americans report sleeping less than six hours/night, and less than two-thirds of U.S. adults sleep the seven to nine hours/night recommended for optimal physical and mental wellbeing. Impact of Sleep. Sleep is a modifiable risk factor in the link between obesity and cardiometabolic diseases (such as … Read More

Caffeine Without Sleeplessness

· · Sleep
Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world. An estimated 85% of Americans drink one or more caffeinated beverages per day, with coffee as the main choice, followed by tea, sodas, and off-the-shelf energy drinks. Americans consume an average of 180 milligrams of caffeine daily—roughly the amount … Read More

Restless Legs Syndrome Steals Sleep

· · Sleep
If you have tingling, itching, or creepy-crawling sensations on your feet or legs when you’re trying to fall asleep, and these feelings are only relieved by getting up or massaging the area, you could have restless legs syndrome (RLS). Because inactivity triggers RLS, this disorder can also extend into daytime … Read More

Report Symptoms of Sleep Apnea to Your Doctor

· · Sleep
The amount and quality of your sleep can play a major role in your health. A growing body of research indicates that a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline, complications following general anesthesia, accidents due … Read More

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