

Anesthesia: What You Need to Know Before Surgery

· · Pain
The moment your doctor tells you that you’ll have to undergo a surgical procedure can be a frightening, confusing, and stressful experience. All kinds of thoughts will cross your mind—it’s natural to worry about the skills of your medical team, the operation’s outcome, and potentially high medical bills that will … Read More
natural PMS remedies

3 Natural PMS Remedies For Women

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Some women experience debilitating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms that interfere with daily functioning every month. Common symptoms include headache, bloating, anxiety, mood swings, and depression. With such a wide range of effects, PMS can be hard to treat. No single treatment is universally effective and every woman is different. Many … Read More
sore muscles

Sore Muscles: Treatment Advice for the Two Main Types

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Do you find yourself experiencing sore muscles more frequently than you should? The condition may be nothing to worry about—or it could be something that needs medical attention. Consider that there are two types of muscle soreness: One is called acute muscle soreness and the other is delayed onset muscle … Read More
concussion symptoms

Concussion Symptoms: Here’s How to Identify Them

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A concussion is more than a knock on the head that makes your mind foggy for a while. Research has linked concussion with a greater risk for dementia in older age, while other studies suggest that the concussions many teen athletes sustain while playing sports such as football and ice … Read More
migraine symptoms

Migraine Symptoms: Treatment (and Prevention) Tips

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People who suffer migraine symptoms know they can include an intense pulsing or throbbing ache on the front or side of the head. The pain can last anywhere from four to 72 hours, and it’s severe enough for many sufferers to describe it as feeling like a vise grip is … Read More
weather headache

Weather Headache: Is There Such a Thing?

· · Pain
If you think you're imagining things when a certain type of weather seems to trigger a headache, think again. In fact, many people report that they suffer from a weather headache if a storm is approaching. They also report that storms aren't the only meteorological phenomenon that can result in … Read More

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