natural osteoporosis treatment

Can Osteoporosis Be Reversed Without Drugs?

Many women and men diagnosed with osteoporosis are immediately prescribed prescription drugs which, they discover sooner or later, can have difficult-to-tolerate side effects as well as frightening long-term risks. Can osteoporosis be reversed? This realization leads many individuals with osteoporosis to ask, "Can osteoporosis be reversed without drugs?" Unfortunately, there … Read More

6 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Few fruits are as versatile as the tomato—we use them to top salads and in sandwiches, they’re the base of ketchup, barbecue sauce, and other popular condiments, and they add both a sweet and savory flavor to soups, stews, gravies, and sauces. Southern Italian cuisine wouldn’t be the same without … Read More

Bisphosphonates Side Effects Prompt the Need for a “Drug Holiday”

When the drug companies themselves start recommending “drug holidays” for certain osteoporosis patients to reduce the risk of serious bisphosphonates side effects, it’s time to take notice. That’s essentially what’s happening as problems with long-term use of these drugs continue to get reported. Bisphosphonates are the main class of drugs … Read More

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