cancer surgery

Prostate Cancer Therapies: Surgical Options

Surgery for prostate cancer is a common treatment choice for men who are in good overall health and who have early stage prostate cancer. This would include men whose prostate cancer is localized to the prostate (stage T1 or T2 cancers) or to the prostate and seminal vesicles (stage T3 … Read More

What Is Hashimoto’s Disease?

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common thyroid disease in the United States, affecting 5 in every 100 people. An autoimmune disease that frequently leads to hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones), it is eight times more common in women. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis occurs when … Read More

Is Prostate Cancer Hereditary?

For many types of cancer, having a family history of the disease places you at a greater risk of developing the cancer yourself. So, if you’re a man with a close relative who had prostate cancer, you might be bothered by a lingering question: Is prostate cancer hereditary? No one … Read More

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

The glandular cells of the prostate play an important role in reproduction, producing the fluids that help make up semen. These tiny cells also serve as the birthplace for nearly all prostate cancers. Genes in these cells slowly mutate, leading to the formation of abnormal cells. The cells proliferate and … Read More

What Is Nodular Melanoma?

There are four subtypes of melanoma, and nodular melanoma is the most aggressive of all. It spirals downward and deeply into the layers of skin, but will show up on the surface as a firm symmetrical bump, lump, or nodule. By the time some people recognize something is wrong, it … Read More

A Lower Weight May Mean a Lower Risk of Lymphedema

Advances in medical, radiation, and surgical treatments are extending the lives of many women with breast cancer. But as survival rates increase and more and more women live longer, they also face the possibility of experiencing delayed side effects from their cancer treatments. Among these potential side effects is lymphedema, … Read More

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