
picking scabs

Picking Scabs: Why We Do It and How to Stop

· · Pain
Ever enjoyed popping a pimple? How about poking a blister? It can feel gratifying to watch the grossness ooze out, right? Many people are guilty of picking scabs and some people even eat them afterwards. In fact, our desire to pick our scabs could say something important about our mental … Read More
calcium deficiency symptoms

Are You at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

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You probably know that calcium is important for growing and keeping your bones strong. Did you know that calcium has many other important functions? These include heart, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and hormone functions. There is also some evidence that maintaining a normal calcium level may reduce your risk for … Read More
how long does gout last

How Long Does Gout Last?

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A gout attack can cause sudden and very severe joint pain. It frequently starts in the joint of a big toe and may wake you up at night. Even having a sheet resting on your toe can be painful. A gout attack can make you miserable. It may last from … Read More
Woman suffering from diverticulitis symptoms

Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

· · Pain
To understand diverticulitis, you need to understand diverticulosis, so let’s start there. Diverticulosis is a very common bowel condition. It usually occurs in the last part of your colon, called your sigmoid colon. A pouch of the inner lining of your colon pushes inward  through a weak area of the … Read More
foods that cause kidney stones

Do Specific Foods Cause Kidney Stones?

· · Pain
Kidney stones can form when you have too much dissolved minerals and salts in your urine. [1] They can be tiny grains of stone that pass through your urine painlessly, but larger stones can get stuck, block the flow of urine, and be extremely painful. [2] About 50 percent of … Read More
normal blood sugar range

Is Your Blood Sugar in the Normal Range?

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Blood sugar is also called blood glucose. It is a measurement of the amount of sugar in your blood. This measurement is found by doing a blood test, usually after an 8-hour fast. It is important to know this number because it tells your doctor or if you are at … Read More
gout foods

Gout Diet: What Food Should I Avoid with Gout?

· · Pain
If you're suffering from the pain and discomfort of gout, foods containing high levels of purine—among them organ meats and certain seafood—should be avoided. But what about foods that are safe to eat and might even help improve your condition? Gout is caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals … Read More
high cortisol symptoms man with headache

High Cortisol Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

· · Pain
Although a stress-induced increase in cortisol secretion is beneficial in the short-term, excessive or prolonged cortisol secretion may lead to high cortisol symptoms. Cortisol is a vital hormone produced and secreted by the adrenal glands. The hormone is released in a rhythmic fashion, with levels peaking in the morning (to … Read More

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