
basal cell carcinoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma Symptoms

· · Cancer
Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas are forms of skin cancer that are less invasive and less likely to spread than melanomas, but they still need to be diagnosed, treated, and prevented. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer. It is classified as a … Read More
squamous cell carcinoma treatment

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment

· · Cancer
Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are diagnosed by a biopsy conducted in a dermatologist’s office. The tissue is sent to a pathologist to determine whether or not cancer cells are present. The Skin Cancer Foundation says that SCCs are usually limited to the epidermis for an extended period of time. If … Read More
colorectal cancer

Colonoscopy: Key to Heading Off Colorectal Cancer

· · Cancer
A recent report from the American Cancer Society (ACS) indicates that colorectal cancer rates, and the rate of death from the disease, have fallen in people age 50 and older. ACS experts conclude that the declines are probably due to increased screening for the disease. Several screening methods are available, … Read More
stomach cancer symptoms

Stomach Cancer: Symptoms and Prevention

· · Cancer
Many years ago, stomach cancer was among the most lethal forms of cancer in the United States. Today, though, the disease is less common in the U.S., although it remains a leading cause of cancer death in less developed parts of the world. Stomach cancer often begins as precancerous changes … Read More

Colorectal Cancers: Screening Saves Lives

· · Cancer
Colorectal cancer remains one of the most curable cancers—if it's detected early. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recently renewed its advice stating that screening for colorectal cancers should begin at age 50 and continue to at least age 75. For people age 76 to 85, the USPSTF noted … Read More
lose weight to lower lymphedema risk

A Lower Weight May Mean a Lower Risk of Lymphedema

· · Cancer
Advances in medical, radiation, and surgical treatments are extending the lives of many women with breast cancer. But as survival rates increase and more and more women live longer, they also face the possibility of experiencing delayed side effects from their cancer treatments. Among these potential side effects is lymphedema, … Read More
bone cancer

Bone Cancer Treatment: Stopping the Spread of Sarcoma

· · Cancer
When you hear the term “bone cancer,” odds are it’s being used to refer to secondary cancers that have spread, or metastasized, to the bone from other parts of the body, like the lung, breast, colon, or prostate. The term also might be applied to multiple myeloma, which forms in … Read More
thyroid cancer symptoms

Seek Help for Thyroid Cancer Symptoms—and Find a Cure

· · Cancer
It looks like a butterfly, but when your thyroid is diseased, it can sting you like a bee. Your thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, and when it’s dysfunctional, the result is a cascade of symptoms that can affect nearly every system in your body. And, according to the … Read More

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