lowering cholesterol

Should You Use an Enema for Constipation?

Being constipated stinks—your bowel movements are dry, almost painful to pass, with little relief. Worse yet, you can manage to push something through only a couple of days a week. You feel bloated, fatigued, and just plain uncomfortable. It’s all you can think about. And, after a week or so, … Read More

Increasing Fiber Intake is a Highly Ignored Therapy to Lower LDL Naturally

In the world of ever-increasing numbers of sophisticated, expensive cholesterol-lowering treatments, there’s one highly effective, “old-school” therapy that tends to get ignored: fiber.  By now, it’s a well-established fact that you can cheaply and easily lower LDL naturally by increasing your fiber intake, either through foods or supplements. And yet, … Read More

Spirulina: A Green Food That Helps Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

If you’re looking for a food that lowers cholesterol naturally, is exceptionally nutritious, packed with protein and phytochemicals, and will boost your immune system and give you energy all while tackling your cholesterol and triglycerides, Spirulina is it! A rich, deep-green powder, Spirulina is an ancient food source that is … Read More

Berberine Supplement May Help Lower Cholesterol

In the quest for effective natural supplements to lower cholesterol, many people turn to supplements like fish oil, niacin, plant sterols, and red yeast rice. While these are often effective, sometimes they are not tolerated or an additional supplement is needed to optimize lipid levels. Berberine-containing products are moving to … Read More

5 Surprising Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Are you tired of being told to eat oats, nuts, soy, and plant sterols to lower your cholesterol? There have to be other cholesterol-lowering foods, right? The good news is that there are actually many more foods that lower cholesterol. Researchers tend to get fixated, understandably, on those with the … Read More

What Are The Benefits of Acidophilus?

One of the reasons why yogurt may be considered a healthy snack is that it contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics. Lactobacillus acidophilus, commonly known simply as acidophilus, is one of those healthy bacteria found in yogurt. But what is acidophilus, and what does it do for your body? Acidophilus has been … Read More

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