hdl cholesterol levels

Cholesterol Levels for Women May Increase After Menopause

As we age, our risk for certain diseases and medical conditions becomes higher. For women, menopause may be an independent risk factor for some of these conditions. Cardiovascular disease, in particular, accelerates in women after menopause. Women who experience menopause before the age of 45 are at an increased risk … Read More

Omega-9 Benefits: Are You Getting Enough?

When it comes to choosing healthy fats, confusion abounds. More than likely, you’ve heard of those miracle fatty acids, omega-3s. These essential fats reduce inflammation in the body and can help lower the risk of chronic degenerative conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even certain types of cancer. Along … Read More

Omega-3 Benefits and Deficiency Symptoms

The one supplement most experts recommend to almost everyone—no matter your age, height, weight, or gender—is omega-3 fatty acids. Because of their wide-ranging health benefits, omega-3 supplements are the closest thing we have to a miracle pill. But why? Simply put, omega-3 fatty acids are essential. The body can synthesize … Read More

What Is Cholesterol Ratio?

Your total cholesterol and your LDL cholesterol have traditionally been considered the most important predictors of your risk for cardiovascular disease and are therefore most doctors’ primary focus when interpreting your cholesterol test. In addition to these numbers, your HDL and triglycerides are becoming more and more recognized as important … Read More

HDL vs. LDL: Which Cholesterol Number Is More Important?

You’ve probably heard high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol described as the “good” cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as the “bad” cholesterol. But when it comes to which type of cholesterol is most important to control, who wins the HDL vs. LDL matchup? If only it were that simple. There's considerable debate … Read More

Are Eggs Healthy?

Whether they were scrambled, fried, boiled, poached, or beat into an omelet, chances are that you had eggs for breakfast this morning. They’re an easy, filling, and affordable way to start the day. And even if you don’t like their taste, eggs often are the main ingredient in some of … Read More

Top Pomegranate Health Benefits

Winter produce can be a bit drab in comparison to the fresh blueberries, raspberries, peaches, and nectarines of summertime. But each winter, I eagerly wait for one of my favorite foods of all time to appear on grocery store shelves: pomegranates. I’ve always loved the task of removing the seeds … Read More

5 Powerful Pantethine Benefits

Pantethine, the metabolically active form of vitamin B5 (or pantothenic acid), offers a host of benefits. To start: It is vital for dozens of enzymatic reactions that require coenzyme A, including those involved with processing fats and carbohydrates. It helps the cells’ tiny energy factories, the mitochondria, turn fatty acids … Read More

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