duke medicine health news

When Will COVID-19 End?

On Monday, March 16, President Trump predicted that the COVID-19 outbreak could go on until July or August, prompting a collective gasp among Americans who had been hoping for a quicker resolution. While there are too many variables at play to know for sure when this will end, experts are … Read More

Short-Term Memory Loss: Part of Aging?

Do you feel as if you've been experiencing more short-term memory loss lately? Interestingly, what many of us think of as short-term memory—for example, recalling in the afternoon what we had for breakfast that morning—is actually defined by scientists as long-term memory. Short-term memory is technically limited to information learned … Read More

What Causes Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a digestive disorder that happens to just about everyone at some time. Loose, watery stools, cramps, bloating, and frequent bathroom trips are all common symptoms. So what causes diarrhea? There are all kinds of potential triggers; these are among the most common: Food intolerances. Lactose intolerance and other … Read More

Are Eye Infections Clouding Your Vision?

Eye infections occur in different parts of the eye and can affect one eye or both. Bacteria, fungi, or viruses are the most common sources. They can originate from exposure to chemical, fumes, or smoke. Allergies also can cause infection as can an injury that may have caused the eye … Read More

What Is Ulcerative Colitis? And What Is Crohn’s Disease?

What is ulcerative colitis? Simply put, it’s a condition that causes inflammation and ulcers in the inside lining of the large intestine (rectum and colon). It affects just the top layer of the intestinal lining (called the mucosa). Crohn’s disease also causes inflammation, usually in the small intestine, but it … Read More

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