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Environmental Nutrition (EN)
Written by registered dieticians for the health-conscious consumer interested in achieving peak wellness, EN prides itself on helping readers find nutritional health in the supermarket aisles—and at home.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai's Focus on Healthy Aging (FHA)
Led by Rosanne Leipzig, MD, PhD, FHA looks at our later years not as a succession of diseases, conditions, and concerns but as an opportunity to achieve health and wellness during a wonderful time of life.
Massachusetts General Hospital's Mind, Mood, & Memory (MMM)
Led by Dr. Maurizio Fava, MMM offers memory-enhancing tips and helpful insight for caregivers while also probing new research on Alzheimer’s, Lewy body dementia, and similar afflictions.
Tufts University's Health and Nutrition Letter (HNL)
Discover nutrition information so outstanding that U.S. News & World Report called HNL "the best available source of news and views on nutrition."
UCLA Health's Healthy Years (HY)
Led by geriatrician Susan D. Leonard, MD, each issue of UCLA Healthy Years is filled with relevant medical insights and actionable tips to help you make more informed medical decisions and to inspire you to lead a healthier, happier life.