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Q: Im less interested in going out or travel­ing these days. My kids think its anxiety. I think Im just happier at home. Are they right?

A: They may have reason for concern if less social interaction or if not getting a  change of scenery” very often seems to be affecting your well-being. Decreased interest in socializing can be a sign of depression. Feeling overwhelmed by social situations or by being outside the home can be signs of social anxiety. Chronic health conditions can sometimes lead people to forgo outings. However, you have every right to enjoy being at home or generally staying closer to home. If your outlook is posi­tive and there are no health issues preventing you from getting out when you want to, then live in a way that makes you happy. Staying socially connected is important for healthy brain function and a brighter mood, but if youre interacting with others with a frequency that works for you, then don’t worry too much about how much or how little you get out.

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