
Non-drug Strategies to Help You Knock Out Pain

· · Pain
An estimated 80 million Americans spend their days and nights coping with chronic pain that has lasted for six months or more. For many, these persistent throbs and aches negatively affect their mood, quality of life, and ability to function from day to day. Prescription drugs are one approach to … Read More

Get a Leg Up on Chronic Knee Pain

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Millions of Americans suffer from joint pain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty percent of them have knee pain, and this number is climbing every day, particularly among older adults, due largely to more people living longer and the obesity epidemic. Pain can result from … Read More

MGH Researchers Discover Brain Changes Linked to Common, Challenging Disorder

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Functional neurological disorder (FND), also known as conversion disorder, is a common, but often misunderstood, neurological condition. It can include a range of symptoms, from weakness and pain to tremors and convulsions, that aren’t explained by traditional neurological disorders. David Perez, MD, with Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) departments of neurology … Read More

Ease the Ache in Your Neck and Shoulders

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Your neck is aching, you’ve got a knot between your shoulder blades, and your upper back feels tight: Sound familiar? If so, the likely culprits are your trapezius muscles (“traps”)—broad, triangular muscles at the back of your neck that extend over your upper shoulders and down to your mid-back. Any … Read More

Manage the Pain of Sciatica

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If you are sometimes stopped in your tracks by a lightning bolt of pain that shoots from your buttock down your leg, you may have sciatica. The condition originates in the sciatic nerves, which start in the lower spine and have many sections that branch out through the lower spine … Read More

Q&A: Sciatica; Hydration; Cheese

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Q. My husband’s leg pain has been attributed to sciatica. What exactly is this, and how is it treated? A. The sciatic nerve is a collection of nerve fibers at the base of the spine that come together and form the sciatic nerve, which runs below the piriformis muscle in … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Adult Ear Infections; Geriatric Surgery

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Q: I’ve been having pain, along with a “full” sensation, in one of my ears. Is it possible for older adults to get ear infections? I thought these were mainly a childhood problem. A: Yes, older adults can suffer from ear infections, particularly if they swim frequently. If water doesn’t … Read More

Vasculitis May Manifest As a Variety of Symptoms

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Vasculitis is an umbrella term for a group of several diseases that can produce a wide range of symptoms, depending on the area of the body that is affected. “Vasculitis simply means inflammation of blood vessels. Any blood vessel in the body, from large arteries to tiny capillaries, can be involved … Read More

Important to Take Opioids Safely

· · Pain
Older adults suffer disproportionately from health conditions that cause pain: for example, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes, and cancer. It is vital to treat debilitating pain, and many people find that opioids are the only painkillers that provide relief. You may have heard through the news media that the … Read More

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