Mobility & Fitness

You Can Stay Fit While You Sit

· · Mobility & Fitness
As you grow older, leading an active lifestyle is more important than ever. Physical activity boosts strength, flexibility and muscle tone, all of which are vital for staying healthy and independent. Exercise also has a beneficial effect on self esteem and mood, both of which can suffer if you are … Read More

Fitness Newsbrief: Music and Exercise

Music Makes Exercise Feel Easier. Upbeat music may be the key to getting through a workout, according to a study published in July in Psychology of Sport and Exercise. A group of 24 exercisers performed 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training under three conditions: with music, with a podcast, or … Read More

Pilates Myth Busters

· · Mobility & Fitness
There are many myths about Pilates: It’s too hard. It’s just for dancers. It’s too expensive. It’s not for people with osteoarthritis and other joint issues. In reality, this method can be quite gentle on the joints, doesn’t have to break the bank, and is something that can be practiced … Read More

Interventional Radiology Takes a Swing at Tennis Elbow

· · Mobility & Fitness
Tennis elbow isn’t limited to the courts; it’s a common condition that can affect a wide variety of people, from assembly workers to butchers and golfers to painters. Fortunately, the 3 percent of the population that suffers from what is technically called lateral epicondylitis may have a new treatment option. … Read More

This Weight-Training Style Could Lengthen Your Life

· · Mobility & Fitness
If you watch weight lifters, you’ll see many styles. Some lift quickly, completing a whole set of repetitions in a minute or two, while others lift with slow control. Some lift lighter weights many times, while others lift very heavy weights just a few. These differences are more than preferences: … Read More

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