Mobility & Fitness

Include Exercise in Your Schedule

Many of my patients ask me what type of exercise is most beneficial and how much exercise they need. The most important part of exercise is getting into a regular schedule so that it becomes part of your weekly routine. I advise mixing cardiovascular exercise (commonly called “aerobic” exercise) with … Read More

The Right Exercise to Relieve Arthritis

Achy muscles and joints don’t exactly inspire movement, but moving can provide relief within minutes and may reduce pain in the future. According to physical therapist Esau Baqi, DPT, Inpatient Rehabilitation Services, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, exercise helps maintain strength, range of motion, and flexibility for the joints that … Read More

Choose Comfortable Walking Shoes

· · Mobility & Fitness
Walking is one of the easiest methods of getting the exercise that can keep your heart, muscles, and bones healthy and strong. However, one thing you need to keep in mind—whether you already walk every day or are thinking about starting a regular walking routine—is your foot health. This is … Read More

Relieve and Prevent Low Back Pain

· · Mobility & Fitness
There are more than 3 million cases of low back pain a year, according to the Mayo Clinic. But you don’t have to be one of them. Sometimes we can create an improper posture and put too much pressure on our muscles or spine from the way we move, lift, … Read More

Walk Yourself Fit With a Treadmill

· · Mobility & Fitness
Walking is a great form of exercise for seniors. But not everyone has access to safe, traffic-free walking routes, and even if you do, cold or wet weather can put you off venturing outdoors to walk. That’s where treadmills come in. “Regularly using a treadmill can help you maintain a … Read More

Physical Fitness in Your 60s and Beyond

A flabby and sedentary Millennial is not much better off than a Baby Boomer who rarely exercises. No matter what age, deconditioning makes people prone to body aches, lack of energy, and less than optimal brain power. But, the opposite is also true: The health-enhancing benefits of physical conditioning are … Read More

Golf for Good Health

Better health and a longer life may be as close as the nearest golf course. Researchers reported at the 2020 International Stroke Conference that regular golfers have a significantly lower rate of death over 10 years than non-golfers: 15.1% compared with 24.6%. The data came from the Cardiovascular Health Study, … Read More

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