Men’s Health

Erectile Dysfunction Is Not Inevitable

· · Men's Health
In simple terms, erectile dysfunction is the difficulty in attaining or sustaining an erection sufficient for intercourse. Sometimes the penis doesn’t get firm enough, or it softens too soon. It’s a frustrating problem. Getting older can lead to ED because of other medical conditions that are more prevalent with aging, … Read More

Increasing Accuracy in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

· · Men's Health
Nearly all of the one million prostate biopsies performed annually in the U.S. are triggered by elevations in pros-tate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland that may indicate the presence of cancer. Most prostate biopsies are negative for cancer. However, many men with negative … Read More

Gout May Increase Risk of Atrial Fibrillation

· · Men's Health
Gout may do more than cause painful joints. A study published online Dec. 17, 2015, in Rheumatology suggests it also may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (Afib), the most common irregular heart rhythm. In the study, researchers reviewed data on 45,378 gout patients and 45,378 similar gout-free control patients. … Read More

Shingles Linked to Stroke Risk

· · Men's Health
A recent study suggests that people may face an increased risk of stroke shortly after infection with herpes zoster (shingles). In the study, published online Dec. 15, 2015, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers compared the risk of stroke and heart attack among 4,862 shingles patients, age 50 and older, versus … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Watery Eyes

· · Men's Health
Q. Why do my eyes water so much, and what can I do about it? A. Normally, your tears drain through tiny tear ducts extending from the eye into the nose. Oddly, one reason for watery eyes is dry eye, which prompts your eyes to produce large quantities of tears … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Skin Tags

· · Men's Health
Q. What are skin tags, and should I be concerned about them? A. Skin tags, known medically as acrochordon, are small benign growths that occur more commonly in older adults and people who are overweight/obese or have diabetes. They usually develop on the neck, armpits, groin, eyelids, chest or other … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Treadmill Workouts

· · Men's Health
Q. Can I get as good of a workout walking on a treadmill as I can walking on a sidewalk or trail? A. The short answer is yes. Generally, you can burn about as many calories walking on a treadmill as you would walking outdoors. However, you may have to … Read More

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