Energy & Fatigue

Look Out for Lyme Disease

· · Aging & Independence
If you love hiking the great outdoors, you may be interested to hear that there may soon be a vaccine to protect against Lyme disease. Spread by blacklegged ticks, Lyme is on the rise in areas where these ticks are common (the northeastern states, Upper Midwest, and South). According to … Read More

Low Energy? Don’t Overlook Anemia

· · Aging & Independence
Over three million Americans have anemia—low levels of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. Although anemia can signal a serious underling condition, for many cases dietary changes can help. One Condition, Many Causes: Anemia has a variety of causes, including blood loss, cancer, bone marrow … Read More

Relax Your Restless Legs

· · Aging & Independence
An irresistible urge to move your legs means you are unable to sleep. Or, 15 to 30 minutes after you sit down to watch the television, you get a crawling, itching or pulling sensation in your legs that is relieved if you get up and walk around. If you’re one … Read More

Daylight Saving Time Health Hazards

On the second Monday of every March, people in most of the United States drag themselves to work and school an hour earlier than usual. Since the 1970s, health experts from around the world—more than 60 countries follow some type of daylight saving time (DST)—have been questioning the health effects … Read More

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