Aging & Independence

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How to Gain Better Balance

· · Aging & Independence
Functional fitness refers to exercises designed to train your muscles to make it easier and safer to perform everyday activities such as carrying groceries, walking on unstable surfaces like grass and sand, and reaching up into a high cupboard. Each of these actions involves balance. Most activities of daily living … Read More

Ultra-Processed Foods’ Link with Mortality

· · Aging & Independence
Consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) has been associated with higher all-cause mortality, and certain groups of UPFs have slightly higher impact, according to a 30-year study. Data from more than 100,000 health professionals in the U.S. who filled out food questionnaires every four years showed that those eating the most … Read More

Your Quality of Life as a Caregiver

· · Aging & Independence
A recent Alzheimer’s Association report highlights the challenges that can come with being a caregiver for a person who is living with any type of dementia. About 70 percent of caregivers who were surveyed for the report said that coordinating care was stressful, and more than half found navigating health … Read More

Maintain Your Kidney Health as You Age

· · Aging & Independence
Most people can get by on just one kidney, but don’t let that fact cause you to underestimate their importance. They perform the vital function of filtering excess waste and fluids from the blood. “When blood enters the kidneys via the renal arteries, it progresses through a series of smaller … Read More

Minimizing Dementia Caregiver Burnout

· · Aging & Independence
In the 1960s, the Peace Corps created a public service campaign with the slogan: “It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love”. The idea of an exotic community service adventure attracted many young people to sign up with the Peace Corps. Doing so changed many people’s lives. Being a dementia caregiver … Read More

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