
Beating Depression: Dietary Supplements Offer Little Value

· · Depression
Evidence on the effectiveness of specific supplements for the treatment of depression is mixed, according to Robin Kanarek, PhD, John Wade Professor, Emerita, at Tufts University. “There are no consistent results in the literature regarding the effectiveness of dietary supplements for treating depression,” Kanarek says. Depression—the number one cause of … Read More

Loneliness Under the Microscope

· · Depression
Steve Cole, professor of medicine and psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and director of the UCLA Social Genomics Core Laboratory, studies the effects of loneliness at the molecular level, a deep dive made possible by the Human Genome Project. He began the … Read More

Depression Risk Factors Vary for Seniors

· · Depression
Although depression isn’t a natural part of the aging process, certain factors can make you more susceptible to depression as you grow older. It may be related to other chronic conditions that are common in later life, such as cognitive impairment, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis, as well … Read More

Depression Disrupts Overall Health

· · Depression
  One of the symptoms of depression is a loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies that were once enjoyed. This is often true for both men and women and can lead to lethargy, sadness, and social isolation. But there are also some unique differences in how men and women … Read More

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