
foods that are good for your cholesterol levels

Choose Cholesterol-Friendly Foods

· · Heart Health
There are several reasons why certain foods are good for your cholesterol and your heart health. Some have direct effects on reducing LDL and/or triglycerides. Others are more filling and, if they’re low in calories, will help with weight loss. Plus, by filling up on these healthier options, you’re not … Read More

Conventional vs. Natural Heartburn Remedies – How to Test for Hypochlorhydria to Determine the Best Treatment

· · Heart Health
The myth of “acid indigestion,” perpetuated by the pharmaceutical companies, flies in the face of this well-documented, but little-appreciated, medical fact: heartburn is almost never the result of too much stomach acid, but it may often be a signal of too little! When choosing between conventional drugs or natural heartburn … Read More
eating out

7 Healthy Tips for Eating Out

· · Heart Health
Americans consume about one-third of their calories from restaurants and takeout meals. Researchers at Tufts University found that the average meal at a non-chain restaurant had 1,205 calories, similar to meals at chain-restaurants. An average adult needs somewhere around 570 calories per meal (depending on age, activity level, body size, … Read More
plant-based diet

Plant-Based Diet Benefits the Heart, Environment and More

· · Heart Health
The myriad health benefits of vegetables and other plant foods and/or concerns about animal welfare and the environment lead some people to choose a vegetarian dietary pattern. Plant-based diets are becoming more mainstream, and the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes a vegetarian eating pattern as one of its three … Read More

Eating a Healthy Breakfast

· · Heart Health
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, many people start their day with nothing at all. A 2016 study published in Advances in Nutrition found that consuming breakfast helps boost memory during the morning hours. “The best breakfast is a balanced meal of protein, high-fiber carbs, and … Read More

Protein and Your Health

· · Heart Health
There’s a lot of focus these days on how much protein one should eat, and while some people respond by eating more than they need, thinking that if enough is good, more is better, many others aren’t getting enough. When eating with health in mind, it’s important to aim for … Read More

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