Mobility & Fitness

core exercises for elderly

Core Exercises for Elderly: Staying in Charge

· · Mobility & Fitness
Everything begins with the core. Core muscles stabilize segments of the body, act as a shock absorbor for the whole body, maintain functional (working) posture, and allow for motions such as flexion and rotation. Improving your core through regular resistance exercises, experts pledge, can improve overall mobility. Core exercises for elderly … Read More
natural asthma remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Exercise Is Key

· · Mobility & Fitness
You might think that exercise is bad for asthma, but when done safely, it’s actually one of the more effective natural asthma remedies. Don’t let your symptoms hold you back from getting regular physical activity. Your asthma, as well as your overall health, will benefit tremendously if you exercise more. … Read More

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