Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat


Is Vertigo Affecting Your Balance?

Although vertigo—a “spinning” sensation—is a fairly common complaint among older adults, it is not an inevitable part of aging. There are many possible causes, and it’s important to be evaluated by a doctor who can determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment. Vertigo caused by vestibular (balance) system disorders can … Read More
motion sickness

Motion Sickness: If It Hits You on Long Trips, Consider These Prevention Steps

Motion sickness is common and affects people traveling in a moving vehicle—a car, train, airplane, boat, or fairground ride. It can even affect people in virtual reality simulators. It is also known as travel sickness, airsickness, carsickness, and seasickness. Symptoms—including dizziness, nausea, and vomiting—can affect people at any age, but … Read More

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