
lung cancer symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms: 8 Signs That May Call for a Screening

· · Cancer
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, accounting for more than a quarter of all deaths from cancer, according to The American Cancer Society. One reason for this high mortality rate is that lung cancer symptoms usually don’t manifest until the disease has reached an advanced state. Yet, … Read More
uterine cancer symptoms

Uterine Cancer Symptoms Can Lead to Early Diagnosis

· · Cancer
Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system. Endometrial and other cancers of the uterine body (the upper part of the uterus) are newly diagnosed in more than 54,000 women each year, according to The American Cancer Society. Almost all uterine cancers originate in the inner … Read More
brain tumor causes

Brain Tumor Causes Aren’t Always Clear

· · Cancer
You’ve been experiencing an array of symptoms, from headache and nausea to vision disturbances and concentration problems. Understanding that, among other potential disorders, a brain tumor causes these warning signs, your doctor recommends testing to identify the source of your symptoms. At this point, you probably wonder how you might … Read More
Brain tumor symptoms

Brain Tumor Symptoms: Not Just in Your Head

· · Cancer
Not all headaches are cause for concern. You might suffer an occasional migraine, head pain from a stiff neck, or the after-effects of an extra glass of wine you imbibed the night before. You simply take a few aspirins or another medication and the pain in your brain subsides. But … Read More
alternative to mammogram

Is There an Alternative to Mammogram Screening?

· · Cancer
For years, the mammogram has served as the primary tool for breast cancer screening. Mammography can identify breast cancer in its earliest stages, when it is smaller and has not spread beyond the breast. In the search for a potential alternative to mammogram screening, researchers are studying other tests, such … Read More
gynecologic cancer

6 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Gynecologic Cancers

· · Cancer
Gynecologic cancers are those that affect the female reproductive organs. There are five main types, and each is named according to the part of the body in which it first develops: cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer (or endometrial cancer), vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer. Thousands of women will be … Read More
nodular melanoma

What Is Nodular Melanoma?

· · Cancer
There are four subtypes of melanoma, and nodular melanoma is the most aggressive of all. It spirals downward and deeply into the layers of skin, but will show up on the surface as a firm symmetrical bump, lump, or nodule. By the time some people recognize something is wrong, it … Read More

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