ways to beat insomnia

Low Blood Sugar at Night: Nocturnal Hypoglycemia

You know it is important to have tight control of you blood sugar with diabetes. Tight control is how you prevent diabetes complications. One of the dangers of tight control is letting your blood sugar get too low, called hypoglycemia. [1] The most dangerous time for hypoglycemia is when you … Read More

Is It Bad To Eat At Night?

Late-night meals and midnight snacks aren’t uncommon. Whether you get home late from work and have to eat dinner when you're usually going to bed, watch a movie late and snack on popcorn, or feel the need to graze on food to stay awake on a late study night, there's … Read More

What You Should Know About Using Melatonin for Sleep

If you’re always searching for help in how to fight insomnia, you may have wondered about using melatonin for sleep. Melatonin is an over-the-counter supplement, sold right alongside vitamins and fish oil. But can it help you achieve a restful night’s sleep? Many people have tried using melatonin for sleep … Read More

17 New Year’s Resolution Ideas: Think “Healthy”

It’s a tradition when it comes to any New Year’s Resolution: Ideas center on self-improvement—and often in the area of health. And why not? For some, buying a new car or traveling to an exotic locale might come first. But without our health, those fancy material possessions and adventurous trips … Read More

Fatal Familial Insomnia: What to Know About FFI

Insomnia takes on many forms and has many causes. For some people, stress or depression keeps them from getting a good night’s sleep. For others, the problem is prescription medication or too much caffeine. And for many people, advancing age, an underlying medical condition like Parkinson’s disease, or just poor … Read More

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