sinus infections

How to Use a Neti Pot to Stop a Runny Nose

Maybe you’ve seen one in an ad, or you have a friend who’s tried using one. If you haven’t tried one yourself or seen one in action first-hand, the neti pot may seem like an absurd, strange home remedy. But don’t let your skepticism hold you back from what may … Read More

Clear It Up! Post-Nasal Drip Relief Remedies

Post-nasal drip is the accumulation of mucus, usually in your sinuses, that moves down the back of the nose into the throat. It can be an annoying and disruptive condition, but one that's treatable by post-nasal drip remedies, both pharmaceutical and natural. Your body makes about one to two quarts … Read More

How to Prevent and Treat a Clogged Ear

Do sounds become muffled when you’ve got a cold? Does your ear feel blocked after a long swim? Sounds like you’re suffering from clogged ear, an annoying condition that can make hearing a challenge. While a clogged ear can indicate an ear infection, it could also be a sign of … Read More

What’s Ailing You? We’re All Ears

At University Health News, we believe sound health information can empower people and even relieve symptoms—if knowledge leads to reduced stress and anxiety. Knowing more just makes us feel better. When you read about, ask about, and understand what’s ailing you, you may be helping yourself more than you know. … Read More

Sinusitis Treatment: Where to Turn

What is sinusitis? It may be one of the most common—and painful—nasal conditions we experience. Sinusitis means inflammation of the sinuses—the air-filled cavities above, behind, and below your eyes. Fortunately, sinusitis treatment options can help provide relief. Our sinuses are lined with a thin membrane that produces mucus. Hair cells … Read More

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