beating depression without drugs
UHN Staff
If you suffer from anxiety and depression symptoms, you know how frustrating day-to-day life can be. Constant worries, feelings of hopelessness or overriding guilt can disrupt your ability to perform simple, routine tasks. Often, it feels as if a cloud is covering you and there seems to be no way … Read More
UHN Staff
If you suffer from excessive worrying, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tension, or sleep disturbances, kava is a natural remedy for anxiety that can help ease these symptoms without the side effects, addiction risks, and hungover feeling common with conventional anti-anxiety medications. In February, 2013, I reported that researchers at Rutgers and … Read More
UHN Staff
Two Columbia University psychiatry researchers are on a mission to get healthcare providers to recognize vitamin deficiency symptoms and treat vitamin deficiencies among patients with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. People today are overfed but undernourished and vitamin deficiencies are common risk factors for mental health disorders, according … Read More
UHN Staff
Following a Mediterranean-type diet for depression prevention may be a good idea, according to results from a study conducted by researchers as Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.[1] Eating a Mediterranean-based diet comprised of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and legumes “…may protect against the development of depressive symptoms in … Read More
UHN Staff
You are what you eat, and believe it or not, that applies to your moods as much as your physical health. So a diet for depression makes sense. We now know that food and mood are connected in more ways than we ever thought, thanks to an expanding body of … Read More
UHN Staff
In part 1 of this article, we discussed the risk of deletrious antidepressant side effects in mothers and their newborn babies. Now, we'll explore whether these antidepressant side effects are worth the risks. Ultimately, it is something every patient and their doctor need to decide, and it begins by having an open … Read More
UHN Staff
Have you heard the term “adrenal fatigue” and wondered if your excessive tiredness or chronic lack of energy could actually be adrenal fatigue symptoms? Natural and integrative medicine practitioners often use the term “adrenal fatigue” to name the complex array of symptoms related to dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. … Read More
UHN Staff
New depression statistics show depression symptoms and back pain as being the top two health issues causing disability among adults worldwide. Among teens, depression symptoms now surpass asthma as the top disability problem in the US and Canada, while the top contributor worldwide is iron deficiency. These depression statistics, published in … Read More
UHN Staff
Type in your search engine, “Natural Remedies for Depression” and you’ll likely find confusing and conflicting information. Honestly, the list of vitamins, supplements and tonics can be quite overwhelming! How do you know which natural remedies for depression are most effective? How do you know if the product claims are accurate … Read More