average blood pressure

Spirulina: A Green Food That Helps Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

If you’re looking for a food that lowers cholesterol naturally, is exceptionally nutritious, packed with protein and phytochemicals, and will boost your immune system and give you energy all while tackling your cholesterol and triglycerides, Spirulina is it! A rich, deep-green powder, Spirulina is an ancient food source that is … Read More

White Coat Syndrome Is a Physiological Reality

A person with white coat syndrome experiences elevated blood pressure readings when he or she is in a medical setting. The blood pressure returns to normal when the person leaves the medical office. Here’s a clue you might have white coat syndrome and not even realize it: If the nurse … Read More

Stress Reduction Is Blood Pressure Reduction

Could the simple act of resolving a relationship conflict with a close friend or relative actually lower your blood pressure numbers? Research is now saying it absolutely can. Not too many years ago, many doctors and even some medical associations were unconvinced that stress reduction techniques could effectively lower elevated blood … Read More

Grape Seed Extract Benefits Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Six thousand years ago, the Egyptians recognized the healing power of grapes although they didn’t fully understand why the fruit is so beneficial. Today, we now know how grape seed extract works to naturally lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Grape seed extract contains a high percentage of compounds called … Read More

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